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Felidae e.V. 03.03.2025

§ 1

Every member of Felidae e.V. is entitled to apply for a kennel name. There are in order of popularity in the application to propose three cattery names. The board approves the first name if it is not already in the association independent central register was registered. The registration of the kennel name is dem Applicant confirmed in writing and is valid for life.

§ 2

members who one have a kennel name that is already protected by another club, If you want to keep the name, you have to give it to Felidae e. V. register for kennel protection.

§ 3

The kennel name must always be the same abiding, either before or after the proper noun of the cub, which in was born in this kennel. In the case of purchased animals, no If your own kennel name is used.

§ 4

The kennel name is binding for all relatives living in the household of the member. Each member can only lead a kennel name. A second kennel name in the same household is only permitted if the partner breeds a completely different breed.

§ 5

The Felidae e.V. introduces Stud book in which each reproducing cat of a member is entered must be (excluded from this are members whose kennels are at a registered with another association and those of Felidae e.V. have no pedigrees relate). Registrations in other clubs (parallel and optional) are expressly forbidden.

§ 6

The throws should be in be named in alphabetical order. The first litter should start with A begin; Q and X can be omitted. The chosen proper name can deviating from the alphabetical order the designation of the coat color or an aristocratic title (as a basic part of the kennel name) be prefixed. Proper names may only be used once every twelve years be related (exception: erroneously wrong statement of sex and resulting name change). The title "Champion", "Int. Ch." etc. is part of the name, as is the stud book number.

§ 7

For each registered cat the Felidae e.V. creates a pedigree. Or experimental. pedigree. Pedigrees are issued for the animals, for the four generations Racial equality to be demonstrated. Experimental - become pedigrees basically issued when three generations of ancestors are not of belong to the same race.

After receiving the pedigrees, these are checked for errors and within of 4 weeks to complain.

After the deadline, pedigrees will only be changed for a fee.

§ 8

Doesn't belong to the parent generation of the same breed, the young animals in the experimental Pedigree no breed designation, but only the note "Longhair", "Semi-longhair" or "shorthair".

§ 9

However, there are exceptions :

hatchlings from the compound itself additional breeds, e.g. Burmese -Siamese, Tonkinese - Burmese/Siamese full pedigree charts with the respective breed designation.

Long-haired cats from the mating Abyssinian - Somali, Burma - Tiffany, Siam - Balinese, OKH and Mandarin, receive full pedigrees, short-haired animals, however, with the additional breed designation VAR (= variant) over three generations.

§ 10

Bombay is considered a color designation for black Burmese (comparable Carthusians = BSH blue). hatchlings out Bombay - Burma therefore receive full pedigree trees. British Shorthair cats are entered as BSH. Genetic deviations or peculiarities are identified in the pedigree.

§ 11

Every pedigree is a document in which entries and changes only by the Felidae e.V. may be made. Violation falls under the concept of Forgery of documents and can be prosecuted. The pedigree is signed by the 1st chairman, but is only legally valid with the additional signature of the breeder.

§ 12

breeding cat owners committed to her breeding cat available to the general public always kept under control and in pristine condition, and only healthy ones to accept breeding cats for mating.
It is forbidden under threat of expulsion from the club, cats that do not are registered and whose owners do not belong to any association, for mating to accept

§ 13

Breeding cats, which in a official register of studs should be included in the open Class at least once the form grade "excellent" have achieved be older than 8 months and provide proof of at least one living to have fathered a litter.

§ 14

Hangover and cat owners should endeavor to mate only animals of the same breed. A crossing of different races is only with the consent of the 1st chairman of the association possible.

§ 15

Only healthy, parasite-free, dewormed and vaccinated cats may be mated with a breeding male. A breeding female should be mated for the first time when she is 12 months old. Exceptions requested for medical reasons must be approved in advance by the 1st chairman and generally require veterinary proof in the form of a certificate. After mating, the cat must not have contact with other male cats for at least 14 days. Breeding male cats, as well as breeding female cats, should have been given an "excellent" rating at a cat exhibition before the first mating, or have a breeding suitability certificate from an all-breed judge, instead of the "excellent" certificate from an exhibition. In SPECIAL cases it is possible to provide a certificate from a veterinarian confirming that the male cat is suitable for breeding.

§ 16

Stud fee is upon collection of the cat, or immediately after mating has taken place. It is not allowed a young animal from the expected litter instead of the stud fee to promise.

§ 17

If a pairing remains unsuccessful, is the owner of the stud at the end of the normal gestation period (63 - 68 days) to be informed immediately. A free pairing with the same tomcat is to be granted, unless the breeding tomcat is meanwhile been castrated or he has died. In this case, at least Repay half of the mating fee received to the cat owner. Special costs for transport and meals may apply in the event of a Repeat coverage will be invoiced separately and appropriately.

The first mating should lead to repeat mating within three months follow.

If this deadline is not met, the right to a second free pairing or other replacement services.

§ 18

To ensure healthy resilient offspring and to protect the mother cat There is a gap of six months between two births of a cat. Three litters are allowed within two years

§ 19

Throws must be within three weeks to be reported to the stud book office. The written notification of the litter The pedigree must be completed within eight weeks (for masked cats 12 weeks) after the birth of the young animals. It's the entire throw to specify. (also stillbirths) If the deadline is exceeded, the board of Felidae e.V. is free to levy a fine per pedigree. After expiration From 16 weeks no more pedigrees are issued.

If this provision is repeatedly violated, a breeding ban can be issued become.

The registration period for white and mostly white cats, as well as for Point Cats can request up to the time of the test(s) to accommodate up to six weeks to be extended. The decision on this rests with the stud book office.

In general, the breeding of white cats is independent of the color of the eyes only admitted if it is beyond doubt that the white and/or predominantly white parents can hear in both ears. This is through an AUDIOMETRIC TEST by a recognized and authorized veterinarian to prove. Exceptions are Turkish Van cats, although they are also predominantly are white but not restricted by gene W.

The mating white X white is generally forbidden.

This includes binding that a chip is also set in the parent animals and the chip number is stated on the throw report.

A recognized audiometry test can only be performed under anesthesia. (e.g. ketamine combination anesthesia)

§ 20

About breed and color of an animal to be registered first decides the breeder with the litter notification. In cases of doubt regarding the breed and color of a young animal consult the studbook office. If nevertheless at an exhibition another color emerges, this is to be communicated to the stud book office. The Judge's report is to be attached.

§ 21

The delivery of young animals is Only allowed from the age of 12 weeks if they are healthy and free of parasites. Under no circumstances may a young animal be exhibited under ten weeks.

§ 22

The buyer of an animal must Pedigree and vaccination card are handed out. We strongly advise one conclude a purchase agreement.

§ 23

The passing of cats for commercial trade purposes, in particular to pet shops, pet shops, Fur farms and laboratory animals are strictly forbidden. In case of violation the exclusion from the association is carried out against this paragraph.

§ 24

A backcross on a Parent, as well as a half-sibling mating is only once in three generations permitted. The stud book office decides on sibling pairings. In In this case, an application must be made in good time, stating the reasons and breeding goal be submitted.

§ 25

cats with physical Deformities of any kind, as well as animals with character defects are from the breed excluded if the "malformations" not originally to Cat phenotype include such as Kurilian Bobtail, Rex cats etc.

Scottish-fold, Manx, Munchkin and Poodle cats are bred in Germany excluded.

For all short-tailed cats, the submission of a negative certificate is included Chip number about freedom from pain obligatory.

A certificate must be submitted for all Rex cats stating that the facility is closed Whiskers present, or whiskers present at the time of the examination available. Also for these cats the proof is only with registered Chip number valid.

§ 26

Exact color designation of a Cat can be inquired at the breed book office.

§ 27

Each kennel can, on behalf of the Board of Directors can be inspected unannounced by a representative.

§ 28

The Felidae e.V. expects from their individual members that they allow their cats free human contact and other cats in the household, breeding tomcats are also allowed not kept in total isolation from fellow cats or humans.

§ 29

Caging is when threatened from club exclusion and notification at the responsible veterinary office strictly prohibited.

§ 30

When illnesses occur it is mandatory to seek the advice and help of a small veterinarian. Cats that need to be kept separately for medical reasons need increased human attention and a special hygienic accommodation. Infectious diseases are to be reported to the stud book office immediately report.

§ 31

The cats have to be regularly be vaccinated against cat disease and cat flu. The diet of Cats must be species-appropriate and meet their needs. Claw amputations are prohibited under threat of expulsion from the club, unless because there are medical reasons for this. The provisions of each valid animal protection law must be strictly observed.

§ 32

In the case of highly infectious Diseases of a cat (e.g. leukemia, FIP, panleukopenia, cat cold, Microsporia etc.), the stud book office must be reported immediately. The affected member may so  haven't been to any exhibitions for a long time, none Sell ​​animals, do not breed animals and do not give animals to cover or accept until the stud book office is proven that the stock again is healthy.

Any deviation from the above provisions requires the previous one Approval by the board of directors In any case, it applies in addition to the breeding regulations the statutes of Felidae e.V. Violations of these provisions entitle the 1st chairman to issue a breeding ban for a certain period of time.

In serious cases, the board can remove a member from the association exclude.

(C) by Felidae e.V. & Markus Ronneberger